Go and leave the vehicle in the Portland garage (Note: Do not get out of the vehicle before reaching the garage. The player may cancel the Avenging Angels Mission. Toni's vehicle can go through vehicles and other objects. The player will kick the Avenging Angel out of the car and the crane will lift the vehicle to some height but will drop it as the player get inside the vehicle. Get out of the vehicle and again get back in. Now take the car to the crusher and park it just aside the crusher in such a way that the driver's seat is on the side of the crusher blocking the door. Make sure that the Avenging Angel sits besides Toni on the front seat. |Wear the Avenging Angel Fatigues and take a vehicle which the player wants to make damage-proof and start the mission. This glitch makes the vehicle damage-proof. Also, the car may appear back on the ground and drive away, but it will be not solid. It will then suddenly appear below the crane, stuck halfway submerged into the ground. The car will then start shuddering and distorting while it is being lifted up. If timed right, the driver will steal back his car just as the crane starts picking up the vehicle. Make sure the driver followed Toni there. Steal a car near the Harwood Car Crusher, and then drive under the crane. Stop the bike to an idle, and the engine will be audible. The player will only be able to hear the radio. Immediately after Toni steals it, press and hold the accelerate button, and there will be no sound coming from the bike, even though it is accelerating.

Steal a bike from an NPC, and make sure its radio is on. Once the player enters Blue Hell, they will fall for 5–10 seconds before returning to the surface. One of the most popular and common glitches is nicknamed " Blue Hell", which is featured in every game since GTA III. Some glitches are prominent than others and each one are specified and/or shared on a certain console (where these depends of the console's technical aspects). Glitches can be unintentional and may cause problems to the player, but some glitches may be used to the player's advantage.

The Glitches often arise from mistakes or errors in the game's coding which go unnoticed during development and testing of the game.

6 Get Into Unfinished Porter Tunnel Glitch.5 Enable Traffic At Francis International Airport.