
How to mods from steam workshop
How to mods from steam workshop

(*) You can find the Workshop Mod or Collection ID at the end of the URL link of the Steam Workshop, example: 1982884692 the ID it's : 1982884692

  • for multiple single mods, you need to add 1 line per mod.
  • ForceEnableMod("workshop- WorkshopModID").
  • Go to Configuration Files button and edit a file and add the following line replacing the WorkshopModID field with your Workshop Mod ID (*) If you downloaded a collection you still need to enabled each mod individually.
  • Go to File Manager button, and check inside mods\ folder, you should see a folder for each mod you downloaded to your server.
  • how to mods from steam workshop how to mods from steam workshop

    Start your server and let it go online to fully download all mods from Steam Workshop.ServerModSetup("","","" do not end with a comma ,.If you want to add multiple single mods you need to separate them:.If you want to add a Workshop Single Mod add the following line replacing the WorkshopModID field with your Workshop Mod ID (*).If you want to add a Workshop Mod Collection add the following line replacing the WorkshopCollectionID field with your Workshop Collection ID (*).Go to the Configuration Files button and edit dedicated_server_mods_a file.This guide will be divided in 2 steps for better comprehension, download mods and enable mods, please read all steps carefully.

    how to mods from steam workshop

    This guide will help you on how to add Steam Workshop Mods.

    How to mods from steam workshop