(*) You can find the Workshop Mod or Collection ID at the end of the URL link of the Steam Workshop, example: 1982884692 the ID it's : 1982884692

Start your server and let it go online to fully download all mods from Steam Workshop.ServerModSetup("","","" do not end with a comma ,.If you want to add multiple single mods you need to separate them:.If you want to add a Workshop Single Mod add the following line replacing the WorkshopModID field with your Workshop Mod ID (*).If you want to add a Workshop Mod Collection add the following line replacing the WorkshopCollectionID field with your Workshop Collection ID (*).Go to the Configuration Files button and edit dedicated_server_mods_a file.This guide will be divided in 2 steps for better comprehension, download mods and enable mods, please read all steps carefully.

This guide will help you on how to add Steam Workshop Mods.